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  • 19 февраля, 2025
Body massage Dubai

Салон эротического массажа Yinyang Platinum Spa Al Safa, Jumeirah, Дубай

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What is the goal of Back Massage? The primary goal of back massage is to reduce pain and discomfort while improving the body’s ability to heal itself. They are not only relaxing — they also help “lengthen and release muscles” that frequently feel tense and get stuck in uncomfortable holding patterns.
What is Foot Massage? Foot massage involves applying rhythmic pressure strokes to the foot, either manually or with aids. This helps in increasing circulation, relaxing the muscles, and inducing a feel-good feeling. Thus its application of pressure on soft tissues. This relieves constricted muscles, improving circulation and addressing muscle soreness and discomfort. What is Foot Reflexology? The release of energy channel blockage is essentially the concept behind foot reflexology massage by the application of pressure at suitable spots. In accordance with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our therapists use a combination of foot massage and foot reflexology to alleviate symptoms in different parts of your body. Traditional Chinese Medicine theorises that specific parts of the foot are connected to individual parts of your body. This is known as acupressure. Acupressure has been an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years- a testament to its effectiveness in alleviating pain and treating illnesses. It essentially works on the principle of sending signals to the relevant body part and relaxing certain muscle groups. The signal also acts as an indicator for the body part to better regulate itself so that it can function more efficiently. In our specialised Foot Reflexology Massage, our expert therapists carefully apply pressure to certain parts of the soles of your feet in a rhythmic manner, sending signals to different organs/systems of the body. The pressure differs in different parts of the body as each part is associated with a specific organ or system of the body. The result is that you feel relaxed and rejuvenated! The massage gives you the benefits of both of foot massage and foot reflexology.
Stomach Massage for Intestine Care will focus on your upper abdomen to help reduce problems like gas due to improper food digestion and other digestive tract problems. If you feel bloated, this massage will help you relieve the feeling. It can reduce bowel overload and associated health problems. Yinyang brings the most authentic Massage for Intestine Care in Dubai! The way most of us eat these days, toxins do accumulate in our bodies, and they start in the digestive tract and colon. They build up over the years, stretching the colon out of its proper shape and position within the body. Massage for Intestine Care is also known as Stomach Massage or Abdominal Massage. The French have a very colorful term called ” massage des intestine ” which translates to bowel massage!
What is Sports Massage Sports massage is a form of massage geared towards optimising muscle condition and ensuring muscle recovery. It is used by athletes to remain in peak condition despite rigorous training which makes it difficult to avoid wear and tear. It is also helpful in recovering from, as well as preventing sports-related injuries. This is part of the reason why many sports teams and athletes now keep professional masseuses on their staff, so that they can receive regular post-workout rubdowns, which allow for faster recovery and leave you in better shape to train the following day.
At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain. It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you experience is outside your comfort range. There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a few days. The massage therapist may recommend applying ice to the area after the massage.
Massage for Stress in Dubai - Melt your tensions away ! Home | Best Massage Services | Massage for Stress Yinyang brings to you the top  Massage for Stress in Dubai. Stress is the modern-day silent killer. With the daily grind of life, problems we all suffer from stress, High BP, and other stress-induced diseases. Its high time, this malady is addressed
The Ovary care massage focuses on your lower abdomen. It can increase your chances of becoming pregnant and can be combined with other fertility treatments without having any side effects. In addition, the massage increases the blood flow to the ovaries, which is beneficial for egg production. This massage positively affects the reproductive organs and promotes hormonal balance. At the same time, if you have a menstrual problem, we advise you to come one week before your period. Yinyang brings the traditional Thai Ovary massage near you in Dubai. Trying to conceive can be extremely stressful, especially if it is taking longer than you expected. Conception and reproduction is a complex process, the role of ovaries being central to the process. A healthy ovary is one of the primary considerations. What is Fertility / Ovary Massage A Fertility / Ovary massage can increase your chances of becoming pregnant and may be combined with several other fertility treatments without having any side effects. The massage increases the blood flow to the ovaries, bringing blood that is filled with oxygen which is beneficial for egg production. Another benefit of a fertility massage is that it can have a positive effect on the ligaments that are holding the reproductive organs in place, in case they are not correctly aligned (which could possibly be causing infertility).
How is Swedish Massage Done? Swedish massage therapists use kneading, long strokes, deep circular movements around pressure points and passive joint movements. These techniques are meant to stimulate nerve endings and increase blood flow and lymph drainage, thereby relaxing you. The kneading and pressure point movements that ease and soothe the body will definitely be beneficial. The massage can be focused on any part of the body that a person requires. Because it is gentler than a deep-tissue massage, one does not need to be as worried about causing further damage to the injured part during the massage. Using light pressure, a therapist can provide relief to the injured part without causing pain in the process. As a relaxing massage, it helps in reducing sleep disturbance and insomnia, amongst other benefits.
It is a style of massage that combines acupressure, assisted yoga postures, and Ayurveda. It originated in Buddhist monasteries as a form of preventative health care for monks. The therapist uses her hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga-like stretches and applies muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure. Benefits of Thai Massage Thai massage is often used to relieve stress and protect against stress-related health issues. It is also said to boost energy and improve the range of motion and flexibility. In addition, Thai massage is being explored as a treatment for the following health problems:
What is Prenatal Massage and how is it different? Massage during pregnancy (also known as prenatal massage) differs from a regular massage in a couple of ways. Knowledge of pregnancy and the anatomy of a pregnant woman are very important and need to always be kept in mind, as there are certain parts of the body that should not be massaged. During pregnancy, the mobility of the mother-to-be is much more restricted than it would otherwise be. This can lead to several changes in lifestyle, which in turn have an effect on the body. The above changes, combined with the changes the body is already undergoing as a result of the pregnancy, can cause a host of issues throughout the body, such as back pain, nausea, fatigue, and cramping. How is Massage for Pregnancy Done? Further, positioning during the massage is critical to the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby she is carrying. The massage table will be set up so you will lie in a semi-reclining position. This is not only comfortable but safe for the baby as well. Also, this allows you to receive a massage on your back and hips, as you turn from side to side. When to Do Pregnancy Massage? We specialize in relaxation massages crafted for expectant mothers, starting from their 17th week of pregnancy. [The expectant mother must have completed 16 weeks minimum] Before scheduling your massage, kindly seek confirmation from your Obstetrician and inform us when booking about your pregnancy. Pregnancy Massage: Safe Techniques The three techniques considered safe for massage are Deep Tissue Massage (deep strokes focussed on muscles) Shiatsu Massage (applying pressure on certain points) Swedish Massage (focussed on muscles and joints) Pregnancy Massage Benefits Massage during pregnancy helps reduce swelling, back and neck pain and improve circulation. Prenatal massage is becoming increasingly popular among expectant women. Pregnancy Massage Near You Looking for a pregnancy massage near you? Yinyang Connection Spa offers the best massage in Dubai. Call 04358 8838 or book an appointment for pregnancy massage at any of our branches, located at Dubai Mall, Al Safa, JBR and Village Mall in Dubai! Do check out our massage packages for great cost savings and convenience. We also offer a range of other massage services at Yinyang Spa for your health and wellness.
How Slimming Massage Works The slimming massage uses a series of sharp, rhythmic movements to break down cellulite, leaving you with a more toned look. The massage is performed by experienced therapists who have been trained in techniques to reduce cellulite. The therapist will work on parts of the body that have stubborn cellulite deposits and, through massage, help break them down. The massage also stimulates blood circulation and leaves your body more toned and tauter than before the massage. It is important to remember that this massage is considered painful by some, depending on their pain threshold, so it would be wise to start with a shorter session rather than a longer session, in order to allow your body to acclimate to the process. We also provide bulk packages for those who are looking to tone their bodies and would need multiple sessions.
Detox Massage Benefits. Why is it important for you? The Detoxing massage at Yinyang is designed to be a transformational experience that helps the body detox and aims to rid the body of toxins and other pollutants that may have accumulated over time. The massage works to stimulate nerve endings and tissue in the foot and involves an array of movements that help rid the body of harmful toxins.
Hot Stone Massage Benefits The hot stone massage is suitable for people who tend to feel chilly or who have muscle tension but prefer lighter massage. The heat relaxes muscles, allowing our therapist to work the muscles using lighter pressure.
By stimulating these points, such therapists aim to promote the flow of vital energy (also known as “chi”). According to the principles of TCM, blockages in the flow of chi can contribute to a wide range of illnesses. Although scientists have yet to determine how or why shiatsu might improve health, it is theorised that the treatment may calm the sympathetic nervous system and—in turn—stimulate circulation, reduce stress, and soothe pain. How is Shiatsu Massage Done? What to Expect? When performing shiatsu, massage therapists use their fingers, thumbs, and/or palms in a continuous, rhythmic sequence. The finger pads are used to apply pressure throughout the treatment, and each point is typically held for two to eight seconds. In some cases, the pressure points stimulated during shiatsu may feel tender. Those receiving shiatsu often describe this tenderness as “good pain”, but it’s important to alert your therapist if you feel discomfort or pain during your massage. Your therapist can then adjust the pressure accordingly to make the massage more comfortable for you.
What is Four Hands Massage Therapy The massage involves two highly skilled, experienced, and professional therapists working together in a choreographed manner to heighten your massage experience.



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